Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Honey Nut Snotty Nose

Ricky's sister had her baby last night, so we went to the hospital to visit her. Because we had the boys, we had to take turns going back to see her. I went back first and left Ricky with the munchkins. About 15 minutes later, I returned and the expression on Ricky's face made me very nervous. In the short time I was gone, Parker had to pee and Luke pooped. They were already tired of their surroundings & asking to leave. I couldn't help but laugh at the thought of Ricky in the bathroom juggling Parker and Luke plus all of our luggage. We cant seem to go anywhere these days without packing up half the house.

Ricky handed me Luke and wished me luck. There I sat with my huge belly, two restless toddlers, a diaper bag, backpack, purse, dinosaurs and a small library of books brought from the house. I could feel the staring from the others in the room. They were probably trying to figure out why I was in the waiting room and not in the delivery room or maybe how many of the kids were mine. Across from us was a little girl the same age as Parker. She kept sneezing and had a runny nose. I had just broke out the cereal in attempt to keep everyone happy when this cute little girl walked over with all of her germs and said "Hi" to the boys. Out of all the times I've tried to teach Parker how to share, this was not one of moments I actually wanted him to practice his generosity. He must have thought she looked hungry because faster than I could think, he handed over his bag of goodies (just like the gentlemen Ive taught him to be.) How do you tell your kid not to share... especially in front of a parent? I was trying to politely stop him and her father was like, "Its OK. She can have some!" She then wiped her nose and stuck her hand in Parker's cereal bag. As if that wasn't bad enough, she decided to walk over and put it in Luke's mouth. It was a nightmare.

Hours later, or so it seemed, Ricky rounded the corner and I'm pretty sure I heard the hallelujah chorus in the background. Or maybe it was just in my head. It was time to go home and the antibacterial wipes in the car were calling my name.


Boysaplenty!! said...

You always make me laugh with your stories! I know all the feelings you described except we didn't have the antibacterial wipes when ya'll were young. I'm going to have to keep an eye on you, I think you have an addiction to those wipes!!
Love ya,

Ginger said...

You are hilarious with your germs and it's rubbed off on me! That is totally the worse. When you are in public and a little snotty nose precious child sticks their booger hand in your bag! lol I'm sure there are alot of parents that thought the same of my (5) youngins. Except Nicki of course, because the whole world knows about her boogers! ha ha