I am unselfishly giving up my nap time today to catch everyone up on what has been happening at the Scott household. We were recently told that our lives are so comical we should be on a reality show. Not sure if that was a compliment or cut down, but I can't deny the facts.... our lives are extremely chaotic and I'm pretty sure it would be entertaining to an outsider. Face it, the curiosity of what is going on in my life this week brought you back to this page...didn't it?
Where to start. Well, we finally had our beautiful baby girl... Reese Elizabeth Scott. She was born Wednesday June 24th, weighing 7lbs 9oz (a record weight for my babies!)
Tuesday night around 8pm my labor started, but I had told Ricky that we weren't making the 45 minute drive until I was sure I was in labor. So, we waited...and waited. Around midnight I called mom and told her that I was having contractions every 3 minutes, but I still wasn't sure I was in labor. (You'd think after doing this twice in the last 2 years I would kinda know what was going on.) Mom and dad decided to head over just in case. Dad was going to take the boys back to their house and mom was following us over.
We pulled up to the hospital around 2am and by the time we got there I was feeling the pain! Mom had stopped at Taco Bell to get us something to eat. I'd just been released from the hospital (b/c of blood pressure) early Tuesday morning, so Tuesday night we skipped dinner and started getting ready for bed at 7pm. I was so tired from Monday night I didn't think I had the energy to birth a child. Reese didn't care...she was coming tired or not!
I got up to the 4th floor (whoever had the idea to put Labor and Delivery on the 4th floor should be slapped!) and the nurse told me that I was already dilated to an 8 and there would be no time for my epidural. Words cannot describe what I felt at that moment. I knew what was coming and there was no drug (other than the epidural) that would save me now. Don't ever tell a mother with back labor that she cannot have an epidural. It should be a crime!
I am going to leave out the labor process mainly because it wasn't pretty, but also because I would never want to scare anyone away from this wonderful experience (you're welcome Aunt Karen.... and Laura, it's not as bad as it sounds!)
Three looooonnnnng hours later, Reese entered the world! However, she was known as BG Scott for the first 48 hours. "BG" meaning "baby girl." I had every nurse on the mother and baby floor waiting to find out her name! I didn't realize we were so popular until after I was unlawfully forced to name her at the last minute. Nurses from all over were sticking their heads in my room telling me they approved of the name I finally chose. I had gone back and forth between "Ava Claire" and "Reese Elizabeth." Still not sure which I like better, but around here "Ava" is too common. With a last name like "Scott" I needed something a little less popular.
Everything went great other than the small fact that I was denied MY EPIDURAL. If I had a rock, I swear I would have taken my best shot at either the midwife or the anesthesiologist (who obviously didn't need my money or he would have rushed up to do his job. )
Moral of this story.... don't wait until the last minute to head to the hospital. It's OK to be sent home with false labor. Better safe than sorry!
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