Saturday, March 28, 2009

Skinny Diving

Well, it's finally warm enough to play in the water and summer is coming full speed ahead... along with the birth of our 3rd child (yikes!) Time seems to fly by faster and faster every day! I can't believe how fast my boys are growing!! Parker is pretty much potty trained these days and doesn't even tell me anymore when he has to go. Many times I find him in the bathroom with both hands clinging to the toilet & his little legs wrapped around the bowl saying, " I get candy go pee mom?" Someone please tell me....when do you stop handing out candy?? I mean, he can make himself pee 20 times a day just to get a tic tac. More than once we've been in a public bathroom when someone came in the stall beside us and Parker loudly announced, "Mom!! They go pee!! They get candy mom?" It's all about the candy!
We are proud of our potty training success, can you tell? Playing in the water and having a picnic outside is a nice change in our daily routine. Parker loves to swim naked. Good thing our back yard has a privacy fence!

Luke, on the other hand, is way too busy to swim. He likes to climb on everything but has terrible balance. He falls and bumps his head at least twice a day. Aunt Ann knew what she was doing when she sent us the boo boo bunny!

Out of all the things I have outside to play with, Luke wants to dangle himself off the corner of the picnic table....causing more stress in my life. I cant relax because of this child! He likes to live on the edge... literally!

I've been thinking the last few days about just how full my hands are, and how they are about to get fuller (is that a word?) When I am going through the drills and daily routines I don't have time to think about how insane my life is. But when the bath water has drained, teeth have been brushed, prayers said and lights go out, I find myself sitting in dark silence and reality sets in. My life is crazy! Talking two year olds, short tempered one year olds and the woes of pregnancy... aghhh. Some days I dont know how I will survive. I am so very thankful for a supportive husband, willing parents and the comfort of knowing that my Lord is only a prayer away! The chaos of today will soon be gone and I will wish it back (not sure about that, but that's what I've been told) so I am trying to hang on and enjoy every moment with my boys! I am thankful everyday that I get to stay home and experience their childhood with them!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Boys will be boys

Laying in the floor and jumping on one another while making growling noises and pretending to be body slammed (AKA wrestling) has become a regular event in the Scott household. You would think after growing up with 4 brothers I would understand this manly exercise, but it still baffles me. I just quietly sit on the couch and watch the male bonding unfold before my eyes... with an occasional, "Ricky that's too rough!!"
It can be quite entertaining at times, but I cannot wait for the girls of the house to have our pedicures and tea parties!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Quick Note............

Bryceton didnt need pins to fix the break and he is doing much better thanks to lots of prayer! He goes back to the doctor today to make sure everything is healing correctly.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Update on Bryceton

For those of you who do not know, Bryceton fell off of a rope swing yesterday and broke his right arm. I happen to be at mom's when he fell and it was a good thing because mom was beside herself when she saw how bad it was. You could see right away the 2 bones that were broken and exactly where they were broken. Mom heard it break and she was up by the house.... it was awful!
Bryce was admitted to the Heart of Florida Hospital last night and is going into surgery right now. They are thinking they can fix it without pins, but won't know until they get in there. Keep him in your prayers!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Zippity Do Da ..........

Last week Ricky and I decided to take the boys to Disney and ended up spending the night in one of their pirate themed hotels. It was too cute! ( a little scary for the boys though!)

Although our 2 day getaway sounded great, I was very concerned about Parker and his potty training. I considered buying a pack of pullups, but decided that would be a setback for him. We brought lots of underwear and our portable potty instead ( which... by the way is worth a million dollars now because they've stopped making them!)

The carpet looked like wood planks, the beds were pirate ships, our fridge was a barrel and the dresser was a treasure chest! My favorite part was that the room was brand new and had only been opened a few weeks earlier. Which meant that only a few bare sweaty feet had been on the floor and the TV remote couldnt have been handled by more than a dozen sticky fingers. Thank the Lord! For those of you who know me.... you know how important this is to me! I always inspect my sheets apon arrival and bring my flip flops to wear in the shower at all hotels. If you are reading this and you are someone who actually gets a bath in ANY hotel bathtub..... please keep that to yourself!! Imagine how many people have peed in those tubs!! UGH!! Maybe Im like this because I was infested with scabies on my honeymoon. I should blog about that someday. Boo Sandals!
Anyways, the room was adorable... and clean! We loved it!

We rode the Safari ride in Animal Kingdom and Parker LOVED it! The guide was giving us facts about the animals and I couldnt believe how much Parker caught on to! He was asking me if we could see the "Winos" (rinos) and the Wions (lions) and he told me, "Mom, wions sleepy!" The guide had told us that lions sleep up to 17 hours a day. I was impressed!

One of our 100 stops in a bathroom that day! (below) I couldnt help but capture this moment! Luke was screaming his head off because he wanted to get out.
Disney had family size bathrooms all over the park! Boy, times change! Three years ago I had never heard of "family bathrooms" and now I get excited over them!!

Parker did so good! I was a little annoyed at how many times we had to visit the bathroom, but happy that he was letting us know in the middle of all of his excitement!
You should have seen the reactions we would get everytime we had to have our bags searched and the security guard pulled out a mini toilet!

Overall, we had an awesome "mini" vacation and I am already looking forward to the next!

Monday, March 2, 2009


That's how you say, "Let's Eat!" in Japanese.
Today Parker, Luke and I decided to make sushi rolls for lunch.California style, of course. (Don't be too jealous mom!)

Parker made the mess, while I made the sushi.

Luke chopped the rice.

While we were hard at work, I tried to teach Parker some Japanese words and how to count to 10. He barely knows english, but hey... it's worth a try!

This is how we roll!

After all that hard work, Parker decided he wanted a peanut butter sandwich instead.

Eating these today filled a pain in my stomach, but reminded me of a pain in my heart! I miss my granny!! I will have to tell my boys how much they missed out on by not being able to meet her!!

Here's the finished product... or what was left after I kept tasting! Ricky will be so excited when he gets home. He loves when we make sushi!