Monday, March 2, 2009


That's how you say, "Let's Eat!" in Japanese.
Today Parker, Luke and I decided to make sushi rolls for lunch.California style, of course. (Don't be too jealous mom!)

Parker made the mess, while I made the sushi.

Luke chopped the rice.

While we were hard at work, I tried to teach Parker some Japanese words and how to count to 10. He barely knows english, but hey... it's worth a try!

This is how we roll!

After all that hard work, Parker decided he wanted a peanut butter sandwich instead.

Eating these today filled a pain in my stomach, but reminded me of a pain in my heart! I miss my granny!! I will have to tell my boys how much they missed out on by not being able to meet her!!

Here's the finished product... or what was left after I kept tasting! Ricky will be so excited when he gets home. He loves when we make sushi!


Unknown said...

oh those look scrumptious. california style is that w/o meat? those boys are the cutest things, the faces. i miss you all very much (i luv ga) but i still miss my friends and all my hugs from little arms and wet kisses from their leettle lips. thanks for the linguistic lesson of the day. what made you her come to mind so strong, i wonder? sometimes i get like that too and i love memories.

Boysaplenty!! said...

Oh I am jealous!! "Arigato" (Thanks) for inviting me over for sushi!! Seriously, I love your blog today Sweetie. Well done! It made me cry to see the pictures of Granny. We all miss her and our other Granny too! The pix of my little guys makes me just want to drive over and get them out of bed to kiss on them!!! I guess you and Ricky wouldn't appreciate that so I'll just stay home tonight.


Ginger said...

I have already told your mom I want to borrow Parker for the day to show how the "potty" thing is done. Now that I know he is a little chef, I'll borrow him for myself!
I love him.........