Saturday, February 14, 2009

When Did This Happen?

I never thought I would see the day when taking a shower would be a bigger task than organizing an army. For me, that day has arrived.
I had an afternoon planned with a friend yesterday and decided to jump in the shower before she got here. Ricky wasn't home, so I had no other choice but to lock everyone up in the bathroom with me. I grabbed the house phone, gathered some waterproof toys (just in case), made sure everyone had their "Juicy Cup" and shut and locked the bathroom door. Just as I turned the water on and poured shampoo in my hair I realized Luke was not interested in anything but getting in the shower with mommy. I quickly glanced around the bathroom and decided that the laundry basket would work perfectly as a barricade. I pulled it as close as I could without getting it in the shower and continued to wash my hair with one eye open and my foot holding the basket in place. Parker had put the toilet lid down and was sitting there with his juice, swinging his legs & continuously repeating, " I watch mommy." Luke was screaming so loud I could feel my eardrums vibrating. Trying to balance on one leg and keep the soap out of my eye was not easy. For a split second my thoughts traveled back to a time when personal hygiene was not a chore, but a luxury. I would light all my little candles around the tub, pour in my bath oils and sit in the jets until my skin would wrinkle. When did this end? What happened? Will I ever attempt this with 3? I jumped out, wrapped myself in a towel and was fighting back tears from the stress of it all when Parker looked up at the towel around me and asked, "Mommy, are you Batman?" I couldn't help but bust out laughing!

No matter how stressful my life is at this time, I love my boys and being a mommy! The sweet moments definitely outweigh all the tough ones!


Unknown said...

well if didn't light all those candles in the bedroom you wouldn't be having number 3 right now, heehee, i'm just kidding but it does get worse and i'm serious but this doesn't last long, i promise so hold on tight to today and all those little annoyances!!toilet water never killed anyone and let the kid cry!!.what you need are little low desks that clickes them in while you shower, do they make them or else you will have to everything at night with ricky home. choices its all about choices. haha

gracejean said...

I just had surgery on my foot and somewhat feel your pain. I don't have anyone screaming to get in the shower with me, but every little part of it was such a chore. I had to double wrap my foot with bags, then sit in the tub with one foot out, pour water over myself... You get it. It really takes the joy out of bathing. Good luck with the third ;-)